Save the (NEW) Date!
FEBRUARY 13, 2020

Time to update the calendar as the second installment of the All Within My Hands Helping Hands Concert has been rescheduled for September 12, 2020, still at the Masonic in San Francisco. A few of you may recall that in September as we were riding high on all the positive vibes that came out of the two S&M² shows, we were excited to announce that we had set aside March 28th to celebrate AWMH with all of you again. However, we may have been a little too ambitious with that date in terms of getting our shit together and giving you an experience that matches or surpasses the first event held in November of 2018.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this change may cause and thank you for all the support and love that you’ve given All Within My Hands. We’ve had some incredible accomplishments in the last two years, including the launch of the innovative Metallica Scholars program (more on year two here) and are excited to share all the details—and a kick-ass show—with you later this year.
More information and ticketing details coming very soon.