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News From AWMH

#MetallicaGivesBack Copenhagen: €80,000 Granted to Four Local Organizations

JUNE 18, 2024

Metallica’s visits to Copenhagen always feel like a bit of a homecoming. AWMH is humbled to give back to a community that is so woven into the fabric of Metallica history. With the help of Live Nation Denmark, we have chosen four incredible organizations – FødevareBanken, Kvindehjemmet, LOKK, and WeShelter – to receive donations. With M72 European Tour sponsor Iveco Group matching our gift, we will make twice the impact fighting against hunger and supporting critical local services.

FødevareBanken (The Food Bank) fights for a world without food waste and food insecurity in Denmark. They receive perfectly good surplus food from food producers and wholesalers that can't be sold in stores for various reasons. With the help of amazing volunteers, Foedevare Banken delivers the food to social organizations, which use the food to prepare meals for people in difficult life situations. Last year, 1,370 tons of surplus food that would have otherwise gone to waste was transformed into over 3.4 million meals. The Food Bank is the largest organization in Denmark working in a structured and food-safe way to distribute surplus food to the vulnerable. Foedevare Banken is receiving €20,000 along with a matching donation from Iveco Group.

Kvindehjemmet is the largest women's shelter in Denmark, with room for 36 women and their children. They offer immediate protection and support to women and children subjected to violence or threats of violence. At Kvindehjemmet, they meet women and children in an open and non-judgmental way, and they believe that violence can never be excused. No one deserves to have their safety threatened. Kvindehjemmet is receiving €20,000 along with a matching donation from Iveco Group.

LOKK is a politically neutral, nationwide membership and advocacy organization for women's shelters and other non-profit services whose main task is to highlight, prevent, stop, and remedy violence against women and children. LOKK takes many steps to end violence against women and children, including safeguarding its members’ interests, ensuring that women and children exposed to violence have easy access to shelter and other relevant services, and advocating for legislation that ensures the protection and rights of women and children exposed to violence. LOKK is receiving €20,000 along with a matching donation from Iveco Group.

WeShelter gives unhoused and socially vulnerable people better conditions. Through its volunteer network and professional staff, they address three major social issues: homelessness, loneliness, and mental distress through shelter, positive communities, and counseling, respectively. WeShelter aims to help people live independent and meaningful lives where they can participate in and contribute to society, meeting each person with a resource-oriented approach and an understanding and respect for everyone’s situation. WeShelter is receiving €20,000 along with a matching donation from Iveco Group.
