$100,000 in Grants to Non-Profit Partners Following Metallica’s Arlington Visit
AUGUST 21, 2023
Wrapping up two nights in Arlington on the M72 World Tour, Metallica is directing a portion of ticket sales back to nonprofit organizations in the greater Dallas community. Through AWMH, $100,000 in grants is going to Tarrant Area Food Bank, The Farmlink Project, and the Center for Transforming Lives.

We first partnered with Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB) in 2019 for our Day of Service, and in the spirit of volunteerism, Metallica fans once again donated their time this Saturday in Arlington. Over 30 volunteers from fan club chapters in Texas, Mexico, and even Wisconsin came together to pack over 18,000 lbs of squash which will provide more than 16,000 meals locally. Founded in 1982 by Fort Worth residents concerned about hunger in their community, TAFB serves one million meals weekly to people seeking food assistance and empowers communities to alleviate hunger and improve health in 13 counties in North Texas. Tarrant Area Food Bank is receiving $35,000.

The Farmlink Project is joining us on every US stop this year to connect M72 catering to local organizations that can use the surplus food, ensuring we do not contribute further to the nation’s food waste problem. Farmlink’s primary efforts in the fight against hunger, food waste, and CO2 emissions center around connecting farmers to food banks, delivering millions of pounds of surplus farm-fresh produce that would otherwise be left to rot. The Farmlink Project is receiving a $30,000 grant to continue its work across the US.

Center for Transforming Lives (CTL) works side-by-side with women and their children to disrupt the cycle of poverty throughout Tarrant County, providing services that are two-generational and establish long-term financial and emotional well-being. By providing comprehensive housing, early childhood education, economic mobility, and clinical counseling services, they are able to address families' most critical needs. CTL has served thousands of families throughout Tarrant County for 115 years, incorporating best practices rooted in nationally backed research to ensure women and children achieve long-term success. Center for Transforming Lives is receiving $35,000.